Aryeh Gregor schreef:
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Roan Kattouw <> wrote:
>> So DB2 renames LIMIT $n to something else and doesn't even implement
>> offset handling, even though both are in the SQL specification?
> LIMIT/OFFSET are completely nonstandard.  See, e.g., this Google
> result confirms this:
> FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY is the standard way, not LIMIT.  A lot of
> stuff that you take for granted in MySQL is completely nonstandard --
> REPLACE INTO... and INSERT IGNORE INTO... are two other major
> examples.
I knew about those, yes, but I didn't know LIMIT/OFFSET was 
non-standard, even though it seems to be the more widely used variant. 
Of course if offset handling isn't implemented at all, that's something 
to worry about.
> As a general rule, SQL seems to be such a terrible, slowly developed,
> impractical standard that a typical app doesn't implement most of what
> it says to do and implements a metric ton of things that it doesn't
> mention.  Which is why we need such a complicated abstraction layer in
> the first place.  Ideally we could just write in standard SQL with the
> occasional minor workaround, the way we write standard HTML and CSS
> and so on, but real life doesn't seem to work that way in this case.
>> What do you mean DB2 "doesn't have them"? FORCE INDEX isn't supported in
>> DB2? Then unless its index choosing algorithm is extremely good, it
>> won't be able to run certain queries with satisfactory efficiency.
> My impression is that MySQL is completely stupid when it comes to
> choosing indexes.
It's pretty stupid at times, yes.
>   Most other serious databases are much smarter and
> don't need babysitting.  Our pgsql wrapper also doesn't implement
> this.  I don't think anything does other than DatabaseMysql.
> Index behavior is very database-dependent -- even if other DBs did
> implement forcing a particular index, they probably wouldn't need to
> force the same indexes in the same cases.  They might not even *have*
> the same indexes.  I know our pgsql schema doesn't have the same
> indexes as MySQL in most cases: it often can make do with fewer,
> because of its ability to do things like take intersections of
> multiple indexes efficiently, or even retrieve by one index and order
> by another.
>> You shouldn't rename indices like that, because index names are used in
>> FORCE INDEX clauses (oh wait, but they weren't supported, right?)
> Right.  pgsql also renames indexes (because as noted, it doesn't use
> the same ones).  I'd imagine the same is true for the other DBs we
> support or semi-support.
Ah, didn't know pgsql did those things too. I guess it's alright then, 
as long as performance stays acceptable.

Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

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