To use filecache, you need to set $wgShowIPinHeader = false;

Also, see

From: "Dawson" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:52 AM
To: "Wikimedia developers" <>
Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki Slow, what to look for?

> Modified config file as follows:
> $wgUseDatabaseMessage = false;
> $wgUseFileCache = true;
> $wgMainCacheType = "CACHE_ACCEL";
> I also installed xcache and eaccelerator. The improvement in speed is 
> huge.
> 2009/1/27 Aryeh Gregor
> <<>
>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:31 AM, Dawson <> wrote:
>> > Hello, I have a couple of mediawiki installations on two different 
>> > slices
>> at
>> > Slicehost, both of which run websites on the same slice with no speed
>> > problems, however, the mediawiki themselves run like dogs!
>> > Any ideas what to look for or 
>> > ways
>> to
>> > optimise them? I still can't get over they need a 100mb ini_set in
>> settings
>> > to just load due to the messages or something.
>> If you haven't already, you should set up an opcode cache like APC or
>> XCache, and a variable cache like APC or XCache (if using one
>> application server) or memcached (if using multiple application
>> servers).  Those are essential for decent performance.  If you want
>> really snappy views, at least for logged-out users, you should use
>> Squid too, although that's probably overkill for a small site.  It
>> also might be useful to install wikidiff2 and use that for diffs.
>> Of course, none of this works if you don't have root access.  (Well,
>> maybe you could get memcached working with only shell . . .)  In that
>> case, I'm not sure what advice to give.
>> MediaWiki is a big, slow package, though.  For large sites, it has
>> scalability features that are almost certainly unparalleled in any
>> other wiki software, but it's probably not optimized as much for quick
>> loading on small-scale, cheap hardware.  It's mainly meant for
>> Wikipedia.  If you want to try digging into what's taking so long, you
>> can try enabling profiling:
>> If you find something that helps a lot, it would be helpful to mention 
>> it.
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