Aryeh Gregor schrieb:
> On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 2:43 PM,  <> wrote:
>> OK, but then the structure of those tables are gone from the dump too,
>> not just their contents. We cannot thus recover from scratch straight
>> from the SQL dump. But perhaps we then can immediately run a
>> maintenance script to recreate the missing tables' structure?
> Then you could just do
> $ mysqldump --ignore-table=my_database.wiki_objectcache
> --ignore-table=my_database.wiki_searchindex my_database > backup.sql
> $ mysqldump -d my_database wiki_objectcache wiki_searchindex >> backup.sql

Or you can make an extra backup with just the structure:

mysqldump -d yourdatabase > structure.sql

or use maintenance/tables.sql to re-create the structure (if you use a table
prefix, you need to run an appropriate search&replace first).

-- daniel

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