you have my vote.
But still first make standard spec say WikiText 2010, second make 
and after that: xml-ize backend; api-standards;conversion-tools; wysiwyg 

lots of work todo ;-)


Daniel Schwen schreef:
>> This sucks, but in the four years we have spend talking abotu it, no one
>> found a way out that will not break a few million existing wiki pages.
> The simple (albeit ugly) solution would to add a parser version field to the 
> revision table, drag the old parser along as 'legacy', make the new  parser 
> the default (and only) option for all new edits, and spit out a warning when 
> you are editing a legacy revision for the first time. The warning you be made 
> dependent on the cases that break with the new parser.
> Cases that break could be detected by comparing tidied HTML output from both 
> parser versions.
> Nah, well, now slam me for not reading through four years of discussions and 
> finding out why my proposal is dumb ;-)

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