2009/6/26 Aryeh Gregor <simetrical+wikil...@gmail.com>:
> But this sounds like a good idea.  If a process is already parsing the
> page, why don't we just have other processes display an old cached
> version of the page instead of waiting or trying to reparse
> themselves?  The worst that would happen is some users would get old
> views for a couple of minutes.
This is a very good idea, and sounds much better than having those
other processes wait for the first process to finish parsing. It would
also reduce the severity of the deadlocks occurring when a process
gets stuck on a parse or dies in the middle of it: instead of
deadlocking, the other processes would just display stale versions
instead of wasting time. If we design these parser cache locks to
expire after a few minutes or so, it should work just fine.

Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

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