Rob Halsell <rhalsell <at>> writes:

> All outstanding requests in the original email for this thread have been
> addressed and processed to completion.

The urgent one (autoreview not working, ) is still unsolved, with
no activity for days. Sorry for being obstinate about this, but it really is
important. It took a lot of effort to convince huwiki patrollers that flagged
revisions will be good for them and get them to use it regularly, and now it's
been a huge amount of extra work for them, for two weeks. They can't keep up
with the load for long, and I'm worried they will get fed up, and the current
technical failure will turn into a social failure, and that one is much harder
to fix.

> Now, I am nearly always in IRC, even when I am not at the keyboard.
> While it is not a permanent solution, everyone should feel free to PM me
> with any requests that seem to have been outstanding and ready for
> processing a bit too long.  I may not be able to get to them right that
> second, but I am trying my best!  =]

I contacted r...@freenode, but got no reply. I'm not sure it was you though,
since the user did not identify himself to nickserv, and was not on any
Wikimedia-related channel. (The hostmask was
If it was you, you should probably set your client to autoident so people can be
sure it is you they are talking to. If it wasn't, you can tell nickserv to guard
your nick more aggressively by /msg nickserv set enforce.

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