On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 4:35 AM, Petr Kadlec<petr.kad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (OBTW, a different thing is that category paging is probably buggy in
> this tiebreaking aspect – even though the index is correctly defined
> to be unique, the page_id column is not included in the &from= paging
> parameter. But this bug will probably appear only in extreme cases,
> like 300 articles with an identical sortkey.)

It will return slightly wrong results whenever two articles with the
same sort key happen to hit a page boundary.  It's not a huge deal,
since sortkeys are usually fairly unique, but it shouldn't be hard to
fix if cl_from is already part of the sortkey index -- which it is, on
trunk, although I can't say for sure whether that matches the deployed

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