Hi all

I'm looking for people interested in attending the upcoming 26th Chaos
Communication Congress (Berlin, Dec 27-30,
<http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/>) and being available for questions and
discussions about any aspect of interacting with Wikipedia and/or MediaWiki in
code. I'm trying to organize a "hack the wiki" - The idea is to have a place
where people interested in contributing to the Wikipedia/MediaWiki user
experience on the technical level can discuss their ideas and get help
implementing them - be it by writing extensions, toolserver tools, javasacript
gadgets, api-based bots, or whatever.

The background is that there has been some criticism from the German hacker
community of the "wiki 2000" experience Wikipedia supposedly offers. There's
quite a bit of energy directed at hacking up alternative ways to access and use
Wikipedia content there . I'd like to channel some of that drive into
improvements usable directly in medaiwiki or on the wikimedia sites.

Note that this my personal pet project, nothing official by WMDE. At least, not
yet. If there are enough people interested, I hope we can get support for things
like travel cost from WMDE. So please let me know if you are interested,so I can
get things organized.

Oh, and: that congress is great fun, with tons of cool blinking stuff and
thousands of geeks  - well worth going to in any case :)


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