Robert Rohde wrote:
> Of course, strictly speaking we already provide HTTP access to
> everything.  So the real question is how can we make access easier,
> more reliable, and less burdensome.  You or someone else suggested an
> API for grabbing files and that seems like a good idea.  Ultimately
> the best answer may well be to take multiple approaches to accommodate
> both people like you who want everything as well as people that want
> only more modest collections.
> -Robert Rohde

Anthony wrote:
> The bandwidth-saving way to do things would be to just allow mirrors to use
> hotlinking.  Requiring a middle man to temporarily store images (many, and
> possibly even most of which will never even be downloaded by end users) just
> wastes bandwidth.

There is already a way to instruct a wiki to use images from a foreign
wiki as they are needed. With proper caching.

On 1.16 it will even be much easier, as you will only need to set
$wgUseInstantCommons = true; to use Wikimedia Commons images.$wgUseInstantCommons

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