2010/3/4 Jani Patokallio <jpato...@iki.fi>:
> Greetings,
> There are a whole bunch of external editors for Mediawiki, but are any of
> them capable of merging/diffing changes instead of simply overwriting *if*
> the session is closed in the meantime?  That is, if:
> 1) I open an article externally (v1)
> 2) Somebody else changes the article (v2a)
> 3) I save the article back to the Wiki (v2b)
> Ideal behavior would be that, assuming no conflicts, v2a and v2b are
> silently merged into a new version 3.  MediaWiki does not appear to
> support this -- by design?
MediaWiki does exactly this. If there are no conflicts between v2a and
v2b, they will be merged silently.

> Acceptable behavior would be that I am warned of the difference between
> v2a and v2b and allowed to manually resolve them.  This works _if_ my
> original MediaWiki edit session is still open, but if I have closed and
> reopened it (or simply gone away for long enough for the session to end,
> so I need to reload the edit page), MW considers v2b newer than v2a and
> simply silently overwrites it.
> Any ideas for how to fix and/or work around this?
To decide whether you've "seen" a certain change, MediaWiki uses the
time at which you loaded the edit form: any edits made before this
time will appear in the edit box, and any made after will be
considered for potential conflicts. However, in certain cases (like
restoring your browser session when you restart your browser), your
browser may reload the edit page but substitute the old content
(containing your work in progress) in the edit box. MediaWiki doesn't
know about this, so it records the so-called starttimestamp "wrongly".

Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

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