On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Rob Lanphier <ro...@robla.net> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> We've been accepted again for another Google Summer of Code!  What this
> means:
> *  Mentors:  please go to this page to formally apply to be a mentor:
> http://socghop.appspot.com/gsoc/mentor/request/google/gsoc2010/wikimedia
> Note: you can't officially be a mentor until you do this, and we can't do it
> for you (part of it involves agreeing to the mentor agreement).
> Question for the group: how many student slots do you think we should
> request? On the "advice for mentors page", it says: "
> A good rule of thumb when finding and assigning mentors is to have two
> mentors per student. It is also a good idea to have a spare mentor or two
> who can pay attention to many students and keep track of the big picture."
> Given our current list of mentors (we have 9 listed, plus 1 "maybe"), that
> would give us "4" as the number of slots.  Does that seem like a number
> that's both low enough that we can be reasonably confident we'll do a good
> job mentoring, but high enough that we're not selling ourselves short?
> *  Students: it's still not yet formally time to apply, but now is a really
> good time to start brainstorming ideas, and getting clarifications on what's
> already been suggested:
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Summer_of_Code_2010
> While you may be tempted (from a competitive perspective) not to reveal what
> your ideas are early, it is almost certainly going to be to your benefit to
> engage now.  By "engage", I mean "demonstrate that you're really thinking
> about how to improve MediaWiki and other Wikimedia project technologies, and
> have the wherewithal to do it", not merely "impress us with what skills you
> have".  The more specific and thoughtful your ideas, questions, and
> suggestions are, the more comfortable we'll all feel in selecting you.
> You might want to take a peek at the GSoC student agreement now, since
> you'll be required to agree to it as a precondition for being part of this
> year's program:
> http://socghop.appspot.com/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2010/studentagmt
> Rob
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+1. I can be a secondary mentor/general resource for students
to come to, I just hadn't put my name on the list.


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