On 14 May 2010 16:34, Platonides <platoni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> vyznev wrote:
>> I'd suspect some script is trying to do an API query using a very long URL,
>> and the fact that this only happens when JS is enabled lends support to
>> this.
> I don't see any long url requested on enwiki.
>> I would guess that the Javascript associated with Vector is using more
>> memory than the Monobook version did and this is causing an error for
>> people that used to have no trouble browsing Wikipedia before.
> jQuery is by itself much more complex than the scripts used before,
> plugins.combined.min.js and Vector.combined.min.js aren't small either.
> Does Blackberry also fail on other webs using jQuery?

Maybe a Blackberry emulator can be usefull (one that is accurate). Any
idea of where one can be downloaded?

ℱin del ℳensaje.

And a ASCII art editor, to draws quick mockups in wikipedia.  That would be fun.

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