On 27 June 2010 19:48, Rob Lanphier <ro...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> For example, let's say that there are three pending revisions in the queue.
> That means there is the latest accepted revision (we'll call "A1"), and
> three pending revisions ("P1", "P2", and "P3"). P3 is the latest pending
> revision, while P1 and P2 are intermediate pending revisions.
> The specification says that when viewing the diff between A1 and P3, the
> "reject" button is enabled.  A more conservative school of thought says that
> the "reject" button shouldn't be enabled, because its possible that P1 was a
> valid revision that was vandalized by P2, and the only way to tell is to
> look at the revision history.  However, this should be reasonably rare, and
> the diff remains in the edit history to be rescued, and can be reapplied if
> need be.  A competing problem is that disabling the "reject" button will
> result in the same confusion we're already seeing today.

The guidance for reviewing multiple edits
says you have to go through them one-by-one (unless they are all by
the same user), so I suggest eliminating the option of review multiple
edits with a single click, unless they are all by the same user. The
feature should be designed to fit in with the way it is used, after
all. Once you've done that, the issue you raise goes away. However, I
would suggest a "rollback" or "undo" button (which does that same as
those buttons always do) rather than a "reject" button - don't
introduce a new term when it does the same thing as an existing
feature with its own name.

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