i've installed mediawiki for a wiki project.
now we have 4 sections on main page . like there are on wikipedia main page.

Now as its done in wikipedia these 4 boxes are tables and update on date

Now i want to do is to give some kind a navigation bar like drop down or
so when user selects page from drop down the all 4 pages are updated with
relevant articles.
to clear more. how the for parts of table can be updated . and how to put
combo box ( which is already filled with page numbers / article topics) and
which user selects any page from drop down all the 4 table rows are updated.

any body help me .
im new to media wiki searched alot. but didnot get any thing. or material or
if i ve to made my extension then how ill write . means what is will the
flow. how it will be pluged in the mediawiki  and runs smoothly

any article example. e-book from where i can read step by step.


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