At 2010-08-24 15:44, lampak wrote:
> On 24/08/10 15:25, Tgr wrote:
>> lampak<llampak<at>>   writes:
>>> Hi. I'm working on a script which edits a page, adds a section to it and
>>> then redirects to this page.
>>> It would be nice if it went straight to the newly-created section. So I
>>> need to create a link with # in it.
>>> The problem appears when the title of the section contains some
>>> diacritics. For example, link to "bażant królewski" looks like
>>> "Ba.C5.BCant_kr.C3.B3lewski".
>>> How can I generate in JavaScript such a link which would be identical to
>>> the one generated by MediaWiki? Has somebody written such a function? Or
>>> at least, do you know where it is done in MediaWiki php code?
>> It is pretty simple as long as there is no wikitext or html in the title:
>> convert it to urlencoded UTF-8 (encodeURIComponent does that), replace 
>> percent
>> signs with dots, replace spaces with underscores.
> I have tried encodeURIComponent before. Bażant królewski becomes
> Bażant_królewski. Diacritics are not converted. At least not under Firefox.
For basic examples you could use this:
var txt = 'Zażółć';
txt = encodeURIComponent(encodeURI(txt).replace(/%/g, 
'.')).replace(/%/g, '.');

Not sure if encodeURI was in old IE (if you care ;-)), but it works with 
new browsers.

Note that this will not work if the section contains mark up code. But 
as I understood you are not looking for something bulletproof.


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