Le lundi 20 septembre 2010 à 17:08 -0700, Trevor Parscal a écrit :
> I think someone (RobLa) is planning on populating these areas of the 
> wiki as more meetings take place - so I'm not sure we should be so 
> critical of the number of links in [[Meetings/Release]] - but yeah, 
> you've got a fair point, if we are going to be keeping meeting notes in 
> a public place (a big thank you should go to RobLa here!) some links to 
> the meetings page would help make the public notes a little more public.
> I would add some myself, but I'm not sure I know where the link to 
> [[Meetings]] should go.
> I sometimes wonder if we are better at talking about things than doing 
> them. How easy would it be to just add a link the [[Meetings]] and be 
> done with it. Yet, here we all are typing away about it... Not sure if 
> this is all bad... but it doesn't seem all good.

Oh, I'm not specifically criticizing the number of links. I actually
think it's great the notes are being posted publicly.

I'm just generally commenting on the fact that it's difficult to find
the information if you don't know it's even there. Adding a link to
[[Meetings]] is easy, but probably not much more helpful in attracting

I guess my main general point was "Keeping people informed is as easy as
sending an email to wikitech-l".  

Guillaume Paumier

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