On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Aryeh Gregor
<simetrical+wikil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:38 AM, Andreas Jonsson
> <andreas.jons...@kreablo.se> wrote:
>> Point me to one that has.
> Maybe I'm wrong.  I've never looked at them in depth.  I don't mean to
> be discouraging here.  If you can replace the MediaWiki parser with
> something sane, my hat is off to you.  But if you don't receive a very
> enthusiastic response from established developers, it's probably
> because we've had various people trying to replace MediaWiki's parser
> with a more conventional one since like 2003, and it's never produced
> anything usable in practice.  The prevailing sentiment is reflected
> pretty well in Tim's commit summary from shortly before giving you
> commit access:
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/71620
> Maybe we're just pessimistic, though.  I'd be happy to be proven wrong!

This. Tim sums up the consensus very well with that commit summary.
He also made some comments on the history of wikitext and alternative
parsers on foundation-l back in Jan '09[0]. Worth a read (starting mainly
at ""Parser" is a convenient and short name for it").

While a real parser is a nice pipe dream, in practice not a single project
to "rewrite the parser" has succeeded in the years of people  trying. Like
Aryeh says, if you can pull it off and make it practical, hats off to you.


[0] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.org.wikimedia.foundation/35876/

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