2010/10/4 Alex Brollo <alex.bro...@gmail.com>:
> It's strange (but I guess that there's a sound reason) that plain wikilinks
> point to a variable field of wiki records (the name of the page) while many
> troubles would be solved, if they could point to the invariable field of
> such records: the id. The obviuos restult is, that all links are broken (and
> need fixing) as soon as a page is "moved" (t.i. renamed).

Don't redirects exist specifically for that?

> My question is: which is the sound reason for this strange thing? There's
> some idea about fixing this?

Err.. perhaps they decided people should be able to comprehend the
link destianation? Plus I remember something about "nice URLs" being a
MUST DO in SEO a while ago...but I'm not 100% sure on that. I
certainly hope this won't change anytime soon, on Wikipedia at least.

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