----- Original Message -----
> From: "George Herbert" <george.herb...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote:
> > Did anyone ever pull statistics about exactly how many instances of
> > that Last Five Percent there really were, as I suspect I suggested at the
> > time?
> Expansion off "how many instances..?" -

The thing you want expanded, George, is "Last Five Percent"; I refer 
there to (I think it was) David Gerard's comment earlier that the 
first 95% of wikisyntax fits reasonably well into current parser
building frameworks, and the last 5% causes well adjusted programmers
to consider heroin... or something like that. :-)

> At some point in the corner, the fix is to change the templates and
> pages to match a more sane parser's capabilities or a more standard
> specification for the markup, rather than make the parser match the
> insanity that's already out there.
> If we know what we're looking at, we can assign corner cases to an
> on-wiki cleanup "hit squad". Who knows how many of the corners we can
> outright assassinate that way, but it's worth a go... The less used
> it is and harder to code for it is, the easier it is for us to justify
> taking it out.

Yup; that's the point I was making.

The argument advanced was always "there's too much usage of that ugly
stuff to consider Just Not Supporting It" and I always asked whether
anyone with larger computers than me had ever extracted actual statistics,
and no one ever answered.

-- jra

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