On 17.01.2011 19:53, Ashar Voultoiz wrote:
> On 17/01/11 17:11, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
>> * There will be a hackathon hosted by Wikimedia Germany in (late) May, 
>> probably
>> in Berlin, but that's not decided yet. This will mostly about hacking, with a
>> strong focus on GLAM related stuff. There will be little in terms of 
>> presentations.
> I will be able to attend this event wherever it is.  Would it be 
> possible to set the date as early as possible so we can arrange days off 
> with our employers and get cheap flights?

We'll do our best.

> Is there any blog / rss feeds I can add to make sure I do not miss any 
> information? ;)

the google calendar at http://tinyurl.com/wmde-events is probably the best bet

-- daniel

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