----- Original Message -----
> From: "River Tarnell" <r.tarn...@ieee.org>

> It doesn't matter if Apache supports IPv6, since the Internet-facing
> HTTP servers for wikis are reverse proxies, either Squid or Varnish.
> I believe the version of Squid that WMF is using doesn't support IPv6.

Oh, of course.  

> As long as the proxy supports IPv6, it can continue to talk to Apache
> via IPv4; since WMF's internal network uses RFC1918 addresses, it
> won't be affected by IPv4 exhaustion.

It might; how would a 6to4NAT affect blocking?

> Apache does support IPv6, though; some other content which is served
> using Apache, like lists.wm.o, is available over IPv6.
> MediaWiki itself supports IPv6 fine, including for blocking. This was
> implemented a while ago. Training admins to handle IPv6 IPs could be
> interesting.

I mused on NANOG yesterday as to what was going to happen when network
techs started realizing they couldn't carry around a bunch of IPs in 
their heads anymore...
> >> (APNIC runs out of IPv4 space to give to providers somewhere around
> >> August, statistically; RIPE in Feb or March 2012, ARIN in July
> >> 2012).
> >ARIN issued the last 5 available /8s to RIRs *today*; we've been
> >talking about it all day on NANOG.
> Not exactly. IANA issued the last 5 /8s to RIRs, of which ARIN is one,
> today. But George is talking about RIR exhaustion, which is still some
> months away.

His phrasing seemed a bit.. insufficiently clear, to me.  That was me, 
attempting to clarify.

> >> Out of curiosity, is anyone from the Foundation on the NANOG
> >> mailing
> >> lists?
> >Oh yeah; that's what triggered this. :-)
> Does any useful discussion still take place on that list?

Sure.  The S/N is still lower than the Hats would prefer, but that's 
the nature of an expanding universe.

- jra

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