On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Daniel Friesen
<li...@nadir-seen-fire.com> wrote:
> If you have a MediaWiki skin you've built, feel free to bring out it's
> source code. Currently most of the few custom skins that exist are
> floating around the Internet, and they are various degrees of out of
> date. Bring up the source code, and I'll look into committing the skin
> into svn and cleaning it up stripping away the boilerplate.

Have a look at userstyles.org[1]. I'm not sure what the licences are,
but perhaps we can contact some of the authors? I'm a big fan of
Wikipedia Grey Lady III.

Btw would you mind explaining the difference between a skin and a CSS
file, assuming there is one?

[1] For those unfamiliar with it, it's a repository of site-specific
CSS files for use with the browser extension Stylish. You pick a style
that someone has defined for a given site, and everytime you visit
that site, you'll get that CSS layered over the top.

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