On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Ilmari Karonen <nos...@vyznev.net> wrote:
> On 03/24/2011 08:00 PM, Roan Kattouw wrote:
>> * We need to set a clear policy for reverting problematic revisions
>> (fixme's) if they aren't addressed quickly enough (again, let's say
>> within a week). Currently we largely leave them be, but I think we
>> should go back to something more decisive and closer to the "keep
>> trunk runnable, or else Brion kicks your ass" paradigm and make it a
>> bit more formal this time
> This made me realize something that's only tangentially related to the
> existing thread, namely that we're currently using the "fixme" status in
> Code Review for two different kinds of commits:
>  1. commits that are broken and need to be fixed or reverted ASAP, and
>  2. commits that do more or less work, but need some followup work.
> An example of the first kind of commit would be something that throws
> PHP fatal errors on a substantial fraction of page views.  An example of
> the second kind might be something as minor as forgetting to update
> Of course, there's also a wide range of shades of gray between these two
> extremes, such as changes that work most of the time but break  some
> unusual setups or use cases.  Still, I do think that most "fixme"
> commits can be fairly cleanly assigned to one or the other of these
> categories, simply by asking oneself "Can I run a usable wiki with this
> code as it is?"
> I think it might be a good idea to split these two cases into separate
> states.  My suggestion, off the top of my head, would be to leave
> "fixme" for the latter and add a new "broken" status for the former.
> Of course, we really shouldn't expect to have any "broken" commits in CR
> at any given time, since they really should be reverted and marked as
> such by the first person who can do so.  But I think that being able to
> mark a commit as broken and needing a revert, even if you can't revert
> it yourself just then for some reason (no time, no svn access,
> whatever), could be a good idea.  It would also make it less likely for
> such commits to get lost (even temporarily) among the less urgent "fixme"s.
> (Ps. I'd also like to note that I very much agree with what Roan wrote
> in general, and I'd very much like to see us going back to something
> like the system he proposed.  +1.)

+1 to everything Roan said and +1 to everything above.


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