On 03/24/2011 07:17 PM, K. Peachey wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Sumana Harihareswara<suma...@panix.com>  
> wrote:
>> There's no point in having our GSoC applicants wasting time working on
>> proposals that we aren't really interested in
> Who is "we" the wikimedia foundation? the medawiki developers? someone else?

By "we" I meant "MediaWiki developers".

And by "aren't really interested in," I should clarify that I'd like for 
us to remove from the page ideas that people do not want incorporated 
into MediaWiki in any way -- core, extensions, 
scripts/utilities/gadgets, etc.  If you look at an idea and think, "even 
if this were well-implemented I wouldn't want us to merge it in," please 
remove it.

I also want us to remove ideas that students could not possibly 
reasonably do in a summer, or that another developer is already 
half-done implementing (and doesn't want a student developer's help with 

> If anyanything they should be striked though (<del>whatever</del>) so
> people can still see that they were there and left a note as to why
> they were "bad"

OK!  I figured people would leave their reasons for deletion in the 
Summary line as they revised the page, but strikethrough works too.


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