Tim Starling wrote:
> I think we should migrate MediaWiki to target HipHop [1] as its
> primary high-performance platform. I think we should continue to
> support Zend, for the benefit of small installations. But we should
> additionally support HipHop, use it on Wikimedia, and optimise our
> algorithms for it.
> In cases where an algorithm optimised for HipHop would be excessively
> slow when running under Zend, we can split the implementations by
> subclassing.
> I was skeptical about HipHop at first, since the road is littered with
> the bodies of dead PHP compilers. But it looks like Facebook is pretty
> well committed to this one, and they have the resources to maintain
> it. I waited and watched for a while, but I think the time has come to
> make a decision on this.
> Facebook now write their PHP code to target HipHop exclusively, so by
> trying to write code that works on both platforms, we'll be in new
> territory, to some degree. Maybe that's scary, but I think it can work.
> Who's with me?
> -- Tim Starling
> [1] https://github.com/facebook/hiphop-php/wiki/

I was expecting this the week hip-hop hit. What would be required "to
target hip-hop"? How does that differ from working from Zend?

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