"Krinkle" <krinklem...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Right now there's a few points:
> * Minimum php versions are all over the source code, putting it in
> DefaultSettings.php or Defines.php would make be a good start, that
> way all hardcoded uses of the versions after those are loaded can be
> centralized.
> However there are many php-versions compared before those are included
> as well ( all (web) entry points and other files parsed before the
> inclusion of DefaultSettings and/or Defines).
> So a better solution would be to get those versions available right at
> the beginning of the web entry points.
> Possible solutions:
> 1) Instead of putting the define() or $wg...= in DefaultSettings.php /
> Defines.php, create namethisfile.php and put them in there and include
> it in the all entry points.
> This seems like a simple and quick solution but introduces yet another
> always-included file and puts them far away from other global
> variables and defines.
> 2) Put it in Defines.php
> * make it independant (ie. only defines(), nothing else, as the
> filename suggests)
> * and move it up the call stack
> Things like inclusion of UtfNormalDefines could be put in the places
> where Defines.php is currenty included[1] and assignment of the
> $wgFeedClasses variable shouldn't be in Defines.php anyway.
> 3) Just put them in DefaultSettings.php and Defines.php and replace
> all uses with the globals where they are hardcoded and available. Any
> uses before this file is loaded (entry points) can hard code it
> The third solution is basically what I was going to do, and can be
> safely done. But before I do so I'd like to know if the solutions that
> cover all scenarios are do-able.
> --
> Krinkle
> [1] UtfNormalDefines.php may not have to be moved though, looks good
> on second thought. It's included everywhere anyway so it doesn't save
> load by loading it later or earlier.

To add some context here, in r85918 I made some changes to our handling of 
old PHP versions.  Coaxing the PHP 4 parser to even get as far as letting us 
die() is quite a challenge, and just about every file in the codebase is 
incompatible with it (structures like wfFoo()->bar() are invalid, for 
instance).  However, PHP 5 versions are equally broken: no version of PHP < 
5.2.3 that I tried (and I now have eight of them floating around :D) was 
able to load a page without a fatal error.

What I have done is to move the PHP version check from WebStart.php (which 
was unparseable since Tim added a try/catch block in r85327) to the entry 
points index.php, api.php, load.php.  That way, only those files have to be 
PHP 4 compatible.  It is definitely worth doing this despite the age of PHP 
4, because the error message that previously resulted ("Parse error: 
unexpected T_CONST_FOOBAR" or somesuch) is so spectacularly unhelpful that 
people are far more likely to just give up in disgust than actually realise 
even what the problem is.

The issue this raises is that we now have the minimum supported PHP version 
hardcoded in at least six different places in the codebase.  It would be 
nice to have it centralised in a define() constant, but any file that it's 
put in then needs to be kept PHP 4 compatible.  The two options which stand 
out are either creating a new file for it, or putting it in Defines.php and 
moving that file to be included directly from the entry points, rather than 
from WebStart.php.  The question is: are there any gotchas associated with 
moving that up the call stack?


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