User "^demon" changed the status of MediaWiki.r86112.

Old Status: new
New Status: ok

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Commit summary:

* updated tableName function changed addIdentifierQuotes, added 
isQuotedIdentifier and removeIdentifierQuotes
* quoting objects in Oracle is poorly supported prior to 10g (it still has bugs 
in 10g) so i wish to avoid it for as long as possible
* i've added /*Q*/ marker to avoid double-prefixing of table names
* tableName quoted parameter is usable only in cases where you call it directly 
in functions where it might occur that tableName can get called twice it is 
unusable as the tableName gets prefixed twice

Oracle documentation is generally crappy. They claim a lot of things but some 
of those claims depend on a gazillion of factors and in case of one of this 
factors being a bit off have no general solution. Object name quoting is one of 
such things and is general practice amongst oracle DBAs that if you write the 
code directly you can use them but if you write abstracted or embedded code 
it's best to stay away if you can.

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