On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Brion Vibber <br...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> In the meantime, if you're brave you can peek at the raw session notes:
> http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/mwhack11Sat-Parser
> We're reviving the wikitext-l mailing list for people interested in the
> project; it's gotten some traffic about interesting projects but we'll be
> making it an active working group. I'll also be making regular posts here on
> wikitech-l, on the Wikimedia tech blog, and on the wikis -- but I don't want
> to clutter wikitech-l *too* much with the nitty-gritty details. ;)
> Project hub pages will go up tomorrow at
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Future

I've stubbed out a couple sections on:


More specific things to follow based on the notes previously posted.

-- brion
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