
the big problem I have with Code Review and the discussion is:

- merely testing and confirming newly committed code for correctness (if
it works, that it does not break anything else)
seems to be possible or at least not too difficult for the majority of
us including me

- mere checks if the code fulfils code style guides and coding convention
seems also be possible for the mass

- the amount of bugs requires daily work to fix
current priority appears to be fixing bugs (not reviewing fixes)

- but to check against security holes, flaws and potentially dangerous
side effects
seems to be difficult for the average coding person and reviewer

Perhaps some of you (as the "profs") could hold a kind of a "(virtual)
teaching class" to teach newbies in improving their CR skills?
and to have at the end more entrusted code reviewers? "Real teaching
classes" could be also done during next Hackathons, or conferences, as
lessons and as workshops!

Well, it takes efforts and costs at least time: I admit, and we all have
other task to do.

Looking forward to your answers,


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