On 17.06.2011, 20:20 Chad wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Amir E. Aharoni
> <amir.ahar...@mail.huji.ac.il> wrote:
>> Are there any statistics about skin usage on Wikimedia projects?
>> For example:
>> * How many people use each skin on each project?

> I've been digging to get some numbers on this, especially accounting
> for "active" accounts. There's a couple of old legacy skins I'd love to
> send the way of the dodo if we can prove nobody's using them anymore.

>From mw.org:

mysql> select count(*), up_value  from user_properties where up_property='skin' 
group by up_value;
| count(*) | up_value    |
|   150489 |             |
|       15 | amethyst    |
|      229 | chick       |
|      610 | cologneblue |
|      894 | modern      |
|    15072 | monobook    |
|      126 | myskin      |
|      140 | nostalgia   |
|      114 | simple      |
|      257 | standard    |
|     3661 | vector      |
11 rows in set (11.64 sec)

user_touched  is unavailable on Toolserver, so can't make a more
detailed query.

Best regards,
  Max Semenik ([[User:MaxSem]])

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