On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Håkon Wium Lie <howc...@opera.com> wrote:
> Also sprach Ashar Voultoiz:
>  > Our javascript tests are being run under TestSwarm [1] and we currently
>  > cover up most desktop browsers (thanks brion).
>  >
>  > According to our squids stats [2], most of Wikimedia mobile traffic
>  > comes from the following browsers (sorted by popularity):
>  >    - Safari
>  >    - Android
>  >    - Opera
>  >    - Mozilla
>  >    - Blackberry
>  >
>  > * Safari, Opera & Mozilla for mobile : they are probably mostly the same
>  > as the desktop version. I have not found emulators for them.
> Opera comes in two flavors for mobile devices: Opera Mini and Opera
> Mobile. Opera Mobile is, indeed, close to the desktop version in the
> sense that it runs the same display, javascript engine etc. on the
> device.
> Opera Mini runs these engines in server parks in the fixed network and
> tranfers a binary representation to a small viewer on the device. We
> currently process around 60 billion pages per month and Wikipedia is
> typically in the top 10 lists in the top 20 countries we publish
> statistics for:
>  http://www.opera.com/smw/2011/05/
> In the test swarm link you sent, Opera 10 and 11 are listed, but
> not Opera Mini (which is currently at version 6). Could it be that
> your sniffer doesn't pick up Opera Mini users?
>  http://toolserver.org/~krinkle/testswarm/
> Here a sample UA string from a recent version of Opera Mini:
>  Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/6.24556/25.657; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 
> Version/10.54
> And here's the Opera Mini emulator:
>  http://www.opera.com/mobile/demo/
> While Wikipedia remains popular with Opera Mini users, there is a
> technical problem which limits the user experience. Wikipedia uses
> JavaScript to unfold sections in articles. Alas, executing JavaScript
> requires a rountrip to the server (the Opera Mini server, that is)
> which takes time and costs money. It would be better if articles were
> unfolded by default for Opera Mini users.

Open bug already in place .. any takers?



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