User "NeilK" changed the status of MediaWiki.r90907.

Old Status: deferred
New Status: new

User "NeilK" also posted a comment on MediaWiki.r90907.

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Commit summary:

Cleanup ArchiveLinks.php and move the class into a separate file.


in queueExternalLinks():

- could be better written with one if, ( if (no blacklist && not already 
queued) ) since you don't do anything in the else clauses
- commit() should only be called if we make master do anything
- always returning true is a waste of time, just don't return anything. Or, 
return true if a job was successfully added, false otherwise. The caller may 
not care though.


- I thought we were going to have time in here somehow for
- agree on Html.php, or at least use some class where we can be certain these 
values are escaped properly

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