
During the Berlin hack-a-ton (which was an awesome event), I have added 
a quick hack to MediaWiki which is correctly marked as fixme. The 
revision I am requesting comments for is r87992:


Copy pasting the example from the commit message:

$db->makeList( array( 'field!' => array( 1,2,3 ) );
'field' NOT IN ('1', '2', '3' );

$db->makeList( array( 'foo!' => array( 777 ) ) );
'foo' =! 777

The exclamation mark is an easy mark to have the condition negated.

Brion raised concerns: syntax is not obvious and lacking potentially 
useful feature.  He recommends using full operators:

  'some_field IS NOT' => null,
  'some_value !=' => 23,
  'some_ts >=' => $db->timestamp($cutoff),
  'some_ts <' => $db->timestamp($cutoff),

Thus the proposed diff is:
  - 'field!'
  + 'field !='

I would appreciate if developers can comment on this feature, either on 
the mailing list or on the revision comment list.

NB: please note the 'field!' feature has been used in the code since 
there.  Might need to have to fix them if we change the code.

Ashar Voultoiz

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