User "Krinkle" changed the status of MediaWiki.r95202.

Old Status: fixme
New Status: new

User "Krinkle" also posted a comment on MediaWiki.r95202.

Full URL:
Commit summary:

Followup r95185, changed name of class validateSignup to ValidateSignup, made 
necessary changes in other files as well


I deleted this file, and reverted r95213, then redid the rename with <code>svn 
move</code>  in r95698.

I didn't use <code>svn copy</code> since we don't need to keep both (a copy), 
just a move.

Some manuals talk about <code>svn rename<code>. <code>svn rename<code> is an 
alias for <code>svn move</code>, they are 100% the same. See also <code>svn 
help</code> for a list of commands and their aliases.

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