User "Dantman" posted a comment on MediaWiki.r95837.

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Commit summary:

Remove the basic styles that vector coppied from monobook from both monobook 
and vector and relocate them to a series of css stylesheets which 3rd party 
skins can include.
Havent touched Modern yet. External link icons are too complex to deal with 
this round due to vector and monobook using different icons.


element = styles for basic elements: links, lists, etc...
content = styles for complex things which are a standard part of page content 
(ie: the css classing is built into the system) like the TOC
interface = styles for the monobook/vector pattern of laying out common 
interfaces, these id/classes's are not built into the system and are outputted 
by the actual MonoBook/Vector code by convention

Different 3rd party skins may want different levels of these. A skin that wants 
the typical content area but doesn't want the MonoBook/Vector patterns would 
just want element content. A skin that wants the basic links, headers, lists, 
etc... but doesn't want styles for the complex things built into the system 
would just want element.

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