This isn't MediaWiki history, but...

On 9/13/11 10:32 AM, Ashar Voultoiz wrote:
> Historical notes:
>    - python2 was released in 2001 IIRC.

2000 actually. And if you were in the Python community you probably had 
been using 2.0-ish features via the __future__ interface.

>    - ruby was only known in Japan and was made known to occidental with
> Ruby on Rails (2004-2005?).

The first english Ruby book, Programming Ruby (aka the Pickaxe Book), 
was published in 2001. But you're right that RoR greatly enhanced Ruby's 

> yet, it would be great to have his own explanation :b

As much as we all love to hate PHP, it was (and is) a good choice.

Neil Kandalgaonkar ( ) <>

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