>>I've been working on a replacement for the libcurl patch.
>>-- Tim Starling
Thats Good news,
Last night I removed all traces of the curl_multi_select from the code, no
idea if it runs properly, but it produces a package. Also I commented out
all the non standard libevent code.
The package has a compiler that produces code, and you can at least
experiment with it.
We need more people testing, I am getting help from somone from the debian
team as well.
Will continue working on this as I find time.

we are organizing a conference on Nov 12 if anyone is interested,
www.flossk.org/en/blog/sfk11 that is also taking up time.



On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Tim Starling <tstarl...@wikimedia.org>wrote:

> On 20/09/11 11:05, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> > At that point, I contacted Mike and asked for his help.  He suggested we
> > attempt to get HipHop compiled *without* the patches since the upstream
> > developers weren't too enthusiastic about them.
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James Michael DuPont
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