User "Khorn (WMF)" changed the status of MediaWiki.r99162.

Old Status: new
New Status: ok

User "Khorn (WMF)" also posted a comment on MediaWiki.r99162.

Full URL:
Commit summary:

Removing no longer needed jquery files now that we're using 1.17; Adding 
separate resources file for defining rapidhtml resrouces for resource loader; 
removed inline jquery from Form.php and TwoStepTwoColumn.php; moved placeholder 
js as well as globalcollect_test js into their own files


I have but one comment: We'll need to do an additional round of 
search-and-destroy to make sure all the new globals are handled properly when 
we merge the fundraiser dev branch back in with this bad boy, or RapidHTML 
won't be universally available to all the gateways. 
Clearly that won't stop anything from working in trunk, though. :)

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