On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Daniel Barrett <d...@vistaprint.com> wrote:

> (Reposted from mediawiki-l due to zero responses.)
> I've been adding custom tools to the WikiEditor toolbar (MW 1.17.0 version)
> and am running into difficulty with browser caching.
> When I do something simple, such as adding a button or changing text in a
> dialog, the change doesn't take effect in my browser due to caching. Even if
> I hard-refresh (ctrl-F5), the changes do not appear. I have to delete my
> browser's cached content (e.g., in Firefox, Tools / Options / Advanced /
> Network / "Clear Now") to see the change. That seems extreme: a browser
> refresh or hard-refresh ought to be sufficient, right?  Or ideally, no
> refresh at all.

So.... where's your code being loaded from? Site or use JS pages? Some
literal JS files output from an extension? Something else? Can you see it
being loaded incorrectly from something cached? Did you check in Firebug or
WebKit's developer tools or IE's developer tools to see what the response
from the server is?

-- brion
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