So instead of having a script that just has to run basic unix commands in
order to manage vhosts you now need something to parse an http.conf file.

I'm pretty sure I know what I'd choose.

On Nov 20, 2011 1:25 AM, "Dmitriy Sintsov" <> wrote:

On 19.11.2011 22:59, Happy Melon wrote:
> "Better" here is clearly in the eye of the beholder. The ...
My method does not require creation of symlinks and numeric prefixes,
that's why it's better. Ancient languages used numeric labels for lines
of code. Cut / paste of single text line is faster than renaming
symlinks. Commenting line with # is better as well. These points are
objective, not subjective. I would stop talking about that yesterday if
you weren't insisting that it's a personal preference (it's not).

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