I've arranged for MediaWiki to get some interns this spring.  Four
bright college students -- they already know web development and have
had internships at Facebook, Google, and Microsoft -- need a mentor.


It's a bit like Google Summer of Code, but a part-time team rather than
one full-timer.  They'll each be working on MediaWiki 8-10 hours per
week between now and the end of April.  I figure I need one experienced
MediaWiki developer as a mentor -- I'll be your admin, and community dev
Amgine will be your backup.  Amgine will lead the students in person
next weekend during a code sprint in Vancouver.

These interns don't yet know what they want to work on so you can choose
a project with them.  I'd help you run two half-hour IRC meetings per
week and we'd run them through two-week iterations between now and the
end of April.  I figure it'd be about 5 hours a week, possibly more at
the start as we ramp the students up.

Please let me know as soon as possible, preferably today or Monday.  I'd
prefer that the students work on something that will be deployed on
Wikimedia sites.

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

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