Unless you've been living under a rock (If you have, how's the wifi under
there?) we're moving to git soon. Along with this will come a change in how
we do code review. However, some people have expressed concerns over the
usability of gerrit. Therefore I'd like to propose an alternative.

Phabricator is a code review tool written by and for Facebook that has
been open sourced. For an introduction, see this:

I've written up some documentation about Phabricator for our uses here:

I would really like for some of our developers and reviewers to try this
out as an alternative to gerrit. Personally I've found it much more
pleasurable to work with than gerrit. If we think this might be a viable
solution for us then I'd be willing to work on adding more integration
(LDAP support and Unit testing integration).

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback. Thanks!

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