On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Shivansh Srivastava
<shivansh.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Page Preview (onmouseover) - A small Dialog box, that could display the
> Intro para of the hypertext/link in an iframe or related text. (1 week +
> testing) . I'll need to discuss this more

There is a nice little user based gadget on En.Wikipedia that already
does this and a bit extra called Navigation Popups[1], Which you might
want to look up playing with, compared to starting completely from

> 2. Image Preview (onclick) or (Rollover Effect to provide more description)
> or (URL description snapshot preview) - A dialog or lightbox, that gives a
> preview of Image or provides a description for it. It would be useful when
> its difficult to find the corresponding description for the same in lengthy
> paragraphs. (4-5 days +1 day testing)

I would be slightly hard to find a "description" of the file, since
not all file description pages contain one, or have it in a easy to
find location on the page (since we don't store that information
separate except as part of the overall wikipage, And then there is
also the possibility the description on that page isn't extactlly the
same as what they are trying to convey on the other wikipage/article.

> 3. jQuery drop menu for login - (
> https://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/mockups/ajax-mockups/Login/index.html#)
> - Can be integrated with AJAX for an on the page account validation or
> creation; without having to go to a different page. (

I believe we had a GSOC project not long ago (Last year?) to improve
the login progress (including the AJAX side of things and API support
for it). Although for security reasons I believe we would want to
leave the Login stuff on it's own page (for security reasons).

> 6. OnScreen Keypad/Keyboard - for people who mostly depend on mouse over
> keyboard, on screen keyboard would be displayed, when clicked on the Search
> box. (4-5 Days + 2Days testing)

We already have a extension to do this (Extension:Narayam[5]) although
that is primary designed to help for editing in language scripts other
than English. If a user was dependant or utilized mouse over keyboard,
I would imagine that they would use something locally compared to
hoping the webpage provided this functionality?

> 10. Bookmark & ShareThis - Should be present on all pages. Sharing on
> common networking sites, tweeting, etc.

There is already a few extensions (Eg: Extension:Addthis[3]) and
gadgets (Eg: Sharebox[4]) that do functionality, So I'm not quiet sure
what benefit this would be to do as part of your GSOC project.

> 11. Accordion - (For paras) - Long paragraphs can be hidden/shown on click
> to save time, space for scroll. (1 Week)

We do this on the mobile site[2] because of the smaller screens, But
on the larger screens I'm sure it would be that helpful because we
would want it defaulted to non-collapsed on page load I would think.

> 13. Notified ScrollBar (jQuery) - A scrollbar at the right side of the
> screen, which will distinctly be divided into minibars, depending on the
> div id & length of the paragraphs/text. (1.5 Weeks)
> I could send a modified page to explain it better.

How would this fair usability wise? I would of thought that would be
bad for usability?

[1]. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:POPUPS>
[2]. <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/>
[3]. <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Addthis>
[4]. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Sharebox>
[5]. <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Narayam>

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