În data de 20 februarie 2012, 12:55, Petr Bena <benap...@gmail.com> a scris:
> Hi folks,
> we have had some discussion with other devs of huggle and I have a
> question, what is the best location to host wikimedia related projects?
> Documentation / web pages (preferably a wiki), I guess most suitable is mww
> but that one should be for mediawiki only or not? I am talking about
> projects like awb, pywikipediabot, dotnetwikibot, bots, labs and many
> others. I think we should either create a category for these at mww or
> maybe create a new wiki just for various software projects and related
> documentation? I would rather prefer first option for now, because it's not
> so hard to maintain and I don't think there is really a need to open whole
> new wiki just for documentation and various wikimedia projects, like labs
> etc. Second question is where to host source code and files? Some projects
> are using 3rd providers, however there is an idea to move huggle repository
> to wikimedia git after it's set up, it would be good to have all sources on
> one place so that it's easier to find various projects people might be
> interested in.

I'm guessing each project should answer this according to it's own
size and needs. One-size-fits-all answers probably don't exist.

We're hosting code specific to ro.wp on Google Code, toghether with
some OSM code. Given the poor experience I've had with
planet.wikimedia.org in Romanian, I don't think that moving all the
code to Wikipedia is such a good idea. 3rd party project hosting
providers do their best to offer as many features as possible in a
very simple way. The WMF OPS team is not made for that.


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