Hi everyone,

I regret to inform you all that Mark Hershberger will be leaving the
Wikimedia Foundation at the end of May.

Mark started as a contractor at the beginning of 2010, helping the
Wikimedia Foundation with code review and the release process.  He
developed an interest in our testing infrastructure, and was
responsible for some of the early work in phpUnit and Selenium
integration in our codebase.  In early 2011, we reconceived his role
here at the Foundation, asking him to step into the role of
Bugmeister.  During the past year and a half, Mark has undertaken the
daunting task of going through the mountainous backlog of bug reports
and patches, as well as the incoming stream of new bugs.
Additionally, he has pushed us to review our backlog of code review
through three deployments now.

Mark has been a passionate advocate for community developers, and
hasn't shied away from asking for what they need.  He has been a
friendly and approachable representative for WMF; enthusiastic and
cheerful with everyone he deals with.  Thank you, Mark, for setting
this example!

We plan to start recruiting for a new Bugmeister soon.  I'll post more
details when I have them.

In the meantime, please join me in thanking Mark for his service to
the Wikimedia movement.


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