On 18/03/12 20:37, Christian Aistleitner wrote:
> Dear all,
> should we allow using PHP's assert [1] in MediaWiki code?
> It would allow us to formulate and automatically verify conditions
> about code, while at the same time providing readable documentation of
> code for free.
> Possible, exemplary use cases would be:
> - automatically verifyable documentation of code's intent
> - guarding against logic pitfalls like forgetting to set a variable in
>   all branches of switches, if/else cascades
> - guarding against using uninitialized variables
> What do you think?

We use exceptions for that.

> P.S.: For typical MediaWiki use cases, PHP's assert is even faster
> than throwing exceptions behind 'if'-guards.

That's funny, for me "if" is about 10 times faster than assert() in
the non-throwing case. Micro-optimisation in PHP usually revolves
around minimising the number of function calls, since a function call
is relatively complex and expensive compared to other opcodes.

-- Tim Starling

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