On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Tim Starling <tstarl...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> For commits with lots of files, Gerrit's diff interface is too broken
> to be useful. It does not provide a compact overview of the change
> which is essential for effective review.
> Luckily, there are alternatives, specifically local git clients and
> gitweb. However, these don't work when git's change model is broken by
> the use of git commit --amend.
They do; it just wasn't obvious to you how to do it, but that doesn't
mean it can't be done.

$ git fetch https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/analytics/udp-filters
refs/changes/22/3222/3 && git branch foo FETCH_HEAD
$ git fetch https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/analytics/udp-filters
refs/changes/22/3222/4 && git branch bar FETCH_HEAD
$ git diff foo..bar

The two 'git fetch' commands (or at least the part before the &&) can
be taken from the change page in Gerrit.

> For commits with a small number of files, such changes are reviewable
> by the use of the "patch history" table in the diff views. But when
> there are a large number of files, it becomes difficult to find the
> files which have changed, and if there are a lot of changed files, to
> produce a compact combined diff.
> So if there are no objections, I'm going to change [[Git/Workflow]] to
> restrict the recommended applications of "git commit --amend", and to
> recommend plain "git commit" as an alternative. A plain commit seems
> to work just fine. It gives you a separate commit to analyse with
> Gerrit, gitweb and client-side tools, and it provides a link to the
> original change in the "dependencies" section of the change page.
I have mixed feelings towards this. One time at the office, over
lunch, I was bitching about how Gerrit used amends instead of real
branches, and after discussing this for 15 minutes we felt like we'd
just reverse-engineered the Gerrit developers' decision process
(RobLa: "I think we just figured out why the Gerrit people did it this

There are several advantages to using Gerrit the way it's meant to be
used (with amends rather than followup commits):
* Review comments of one logical change are centralized, rather than
being scattered across multiple changes (this is what I said I'd do
differently if I was writing a code review system now)
* Conflicts must be resolved by rebasing the conflicted topic branch
onto the HEAD of master, so there aren't any merge commits containing
conflict resolutions unless you deliberately create them (and someone
else approves them). I imagine I'd be quite annoyed/confused if I was
using git bisect to track down a bug and it blamed a complex merge
commit that had conflicts
* Every commit that ends up being merged into master is "clean", in
that it's been approved and passes the tests. This is the entire point
of continuous integration / pre-commit review / gated trunk / etc.,
and it's a major advantage because:
** you can rewind master to any point in history and it'll be in a sane state
** you can start a branch (including a deployment branch) off any
point in master and be confident that that's a reasonably sane branch
** if you find subtle breakage later, you can use git bisect on master
to find out where it broke, and there will not be any botched
intermediate states confusing bisect (e.g. if there's a commit
somewhere that breaks half the code and you merge it in together with
a followup commit that fixes it, bisect might find that commit and
wrongly blame it for the breakage you're looking for; this probability
increases as merged-in feature branches get longer)

Of course you can't blindly place absolute trust in any random commit
on master, but at least you know that it 1) has been reviewed as a
unit and approved, and once we have better Jenkins integration you'll
know that 2) it passed the lint checks and 3) it passed the tests as
they existed at the time. Approving commits that are broken because
you know they were fixed later in some follow-up commit somewhere
violates this entire model, and it exposes you to the danger of
merging the broken commit but not the follow-up, if the follow-up is
held up for some reason. Fortunately, once we have proper Jenkins
integration, this will not be possible because Jenkins will mark the
broken commit as having failed the tests, and you will not be able to
approve and merge it without manually overriding Jenkins's V:-1

An unrelated disadvantage of "stacked changes" in Gerrit (i.e. changes
that depend on other unmerged changes) is that if B.1 (change B
patchset 1) depends on A.1, and someone amends A.1 later to produce
A.2, B.1 will still depend on A.1 and will need to be rebased to
depend on A.2 instead. I've done this before with a stack of four
commits (amended B and had to rebase C and D), and I can tell you it's
not fun. I think I've figured out a trick for it now (use an
interactive rebase from the top of the stack), but it's not intuitive
and I've never tried it.

That said, if you have multiple commits that are related/dependent but
both represent valid, sane, non-broken states (e.g. you introduce a
function, then use it somewhere), then by all means chain them
together. I'll +1 Trevor there, amending is probably not a good idea
if you're adding lots of changes. And if all else fails, you can just
abandon the intermediate changes, squash them together into one
omnibus change, and submit that for review instead.

As for Amir's question about git-review: git-review warns you against
stacked changes, because it's considered an anti-pattern in Gerrit.
However, the warning ends with a question like "Are you sure this is
what you meant to do?", and if you type "yes" it'll continue. You can
also suppress this warning with the -y flag.


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