On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 6:36 PM, Greg Sabino Mullane <g...@endpoint.com> wrote:
> Platonides wrote:
>> Note we will also need a way to generate a SQL from that (eg.
>> for manually creating a new database with SQLAdmin).
>> Personally, I prefer viewing the code (SQL) which is really
>> used, but I won't stop you from making the perfect abstraction.
> Well, the very first task of the new system will be to generate
> a tables.sql and make sure it matches the current one. Perhaps we
> can even keep them around, but make them "read only", for the benefit
> of circumstances like the above (as well as making it easy to read
> from the perspective of each database-in-question).

That part is pretty easy, and I actually got as much done when
I worked on the feature before. It's actually really trivial to come
up with some kind of abstract representation of the tables (I used
PHP arrays) that class-specific implementations can then use to
make a working tables.sql.

The hard part is coming up with a "this is what I have, this is what
I want, so how do I get from A -> B?" Not having a clear solution
to that is what made me end up shelving the project the first time.

> The only question in my mind at the moment is do we also copy all
> the comments to each tables.sql (see maintenance/tables.sql), no
> comments (see oracle|postgres/tables.sql) or something in the middle
> (see mssql/tables.sql)?

If we're auto-generating a schema, I think putting comments
there are pretty useless. They should be documented at the
abstract level and on mediawiki.org.


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