On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Platonides <platoni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/05/12 18:17, David Gerard wrote:
>> Discussion on Oliver Keyes' blog:
>>     http://quominus.org/archives/714
>> He's coming from the perspective of liaison with newbies. Read the comments.
> I have to say it's the first time I met him.
> I'll try to summarise his points below with my comments:
> 1a) The steps are not clear.
> Solution: Make the "Enter a new bug report" link of
> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/ much bigger.
> The intermediate page asking you to login is not "cool", but I think
> that's a clear enough path.
> 1b) There's no indication that your login is your email.
> Granted. This can be confusing. Specially for the perspective of a
> mediawiki user.
> The only positive point might be that, if you have recently registered,
> you probably remember that your email is your login.
> The email sent by bugzilla does help, although it isn't explicit, either:
>> To use the wonders of Bugzilla, you can use the following:
>>  E-mail address: platoni...@gmail.com
>>        Password: HPqd4NwIu
> Proposal: Add a message at the front page noting that you need a
> different login for bugzilla, that it is our email, and it'll be
> publicly visible.

+1. This is probably the biggest problem I have using bugzilla as an
occasional, non-technical user :)

If there's any way to tie the login to SUL that would be cool, but
just providing more explanatory messages would be helpful!

-- phoebe

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