Am 28.05.2012 18:02, schrieb MZMcBride:

> Someone might want the links combined if they present both the create
> account and login forms on the same page. Wikia used to do this. Twitter and
> Facebook do this currently at <> and
> <> when you're not logged in.

Yes, but both forms are better than our 2 forms because they have the
input fields for login and registration on _one_ page. IMO more clearly
for newbies.

 This is not a reason
> to not flip the default on Wikimedia wikis, but it is perhaps a reason to
> keep the configuration variable around.

Sure, keep the config var for b/c.

> I'll also note that creating an account is still considered a sub-type of
> logging in (Special:UserLogin?type=signup), though Special:CreateAccount
> properly redirects. I think it's a bit strange that they are not two
> separate forms completely (Special:UserLogin and Special:CreateAccount).

That's bug 15700

> MZMcBride


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